Our goal is to enhance the ability for states and territories to administer STOP-logoFormula Grant Programs

The MISSION of the Association of VAWA Administrators (AVA) is to encourage and facilitate mutual support, awareness and cooperation among states and territories administering Violence Against Women Act formula grants and to provide a centralized voice for the advancement of improvements to enhance the effectiveness of VAWA administration.

Join Now By JOINING AVA, together we work to effectively foster services to Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, and Dating Violence Victims.  Help us to improve partnerships between each State & Territory with OVW and each other.


Recent News

AVA Board Members Effective Immediately

Good morning and an early Happy Fourth of July!

Following AVA’s Annual Meeting last week, ...Read More

Crime Victims Fund Stabilization Act of 2024

Good afternoon.  I hope you are well and almost ready to start a relaxing weekend.

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President Biden’s FY25 Budget re VAWA

Good morning/afternoon.  President Biden’s FY25 Budget was released today and posted on the OMB’s website.  I am ...Read More

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VAWA Resources

2024 STOP Formula Grant Application – Quick Guide

ALSO STAAR sent out a link today that you likely have already received.  In case you ...Read More

OVW Solicitation – Strengthening Culturally Specific Campuses Approach………

In case you missed this solicitation announcement from OVW, please see the below link to the FY ...Read More

Stalking Program Solicitation

Good afternoon.

Please refer to the following link if you would like more information about ...Read More

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AVA Meeting Info

AVA/OVW Conversation of 7/8/24

The following is a brief overview of our conversation on Monday with OVW leadership and OVW ...Read More

AVA Board Members Effective Immediately

Good morning and an early Happy Fourth of July!

Following AVA’s Annual Meeting last week, ...Read More

A Note from the AVA President

At the recent Peer to Peer held in Wisconsin on June 11-12, 2024 AVA presented out-going Executive Director ...Read More
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