AVA/OVW Conference Call Summary – January 2016

Summary of

Monthly Conference Call between AVA& OVW

Date: Monday, January 4, 2016

Time: 11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time


OVW Staff:  Associate Directors Michelle Brickley and Amy Loder, Program Manager Kim Galvan

AVA Board Members:  MaryEllen Garcia, Julia Fuller-Wilson, Maureen Monagle

AVA Executive Director:  Dorene Whitworth




Joint STOP Administrators and Coalition Directors Meeting:

The Joint STOP Administrators and Coalition Directors meeting will be held March 29-30, 2016. A draft skeleton agenda was sent out by ALSO a couple weeks ago but during today’s call we discussed some of the logistics of the meeting. OVW reiterated that only one person may attend from each state and territory. As such, the breakouts scheduled throughout the conference will be presented more than once to allow attendees to participate in as many presentations as possible. The territories will meet for a half day on Monday, March 28th. Dorene asked to attend this session as well on behalf of AVA. Michelle will inform SCESA of this request and ask that any information regarding this session be forwarded to Dorene.

This is the first joint meeting of administrators and coalition directors since the passage of VAWA 2013. OVW plans on including topics that will ensure attendees fully understand all the changes of VAWA 2013. AVA is seeking information from Administrators on conference topics but asked if OVW can be sure to include information on PREA and provide additional clarification on the responsibilities of administrators under the indirect costs guidelines. Michelle Brickley will check with Donna Simmons on the status of the FAQs relating to indirect costs.

Michelle also reported that during the first year (2014) of PREA, only 2 states could certify compliance. That jumped to 11 states in the second year (2015).

AVA’s annual meeting will be held March 29th during the lunch break at the joint meeting. Dorene will contact ALSO to learn the number of those attending and to coordinate the lunch offered during AVA’s meeting.


Indirect Costs Webinar:

The discussion then turned to the webinar held December 17th on Indirect Costs and its impact on the STOP program. Due to the technical difficulties at the start of the webinar, not all questions could be addressed in the time allotted. Donna Simmons with GMFD has offered to draft an FAQ that will address all questions. This type of written guidance is critical as nothing has yet been issued in writing from either OVC or OCFO and such guidance may help address inconsistencies across grant programs. These inconsistencies may be the result of individual interpretations within the various agencies so coordinating on the written guidance will be imperative. Michelle will look into discussions with OVC and OCFO. VOCA administrators received information from Michael Williams with OCFO during a breakout at the OVC conference. Unfortunately not enough time was allowed during that presentation either for in-depth questions and answers. Non-profits have reportedly receiving some training as well but that also seems to conflict with the information STOP administrators have received. Any written fact sheet or formal FAQs will need to go through the approval process before it can be released so the timing is uncertain.

Should another webinar be scheduled, MaryEllen Garcia offered to run the technical side of the training if that would help OVW.


Victims of Crime Fund Allocations:

A question was also raised about VOCA monies going toward STOP from the crime victims’ fund. Reportedly, $379 million was transferred for VAWA from the VOCA fund. Michelle Brickley reported that the total VAWA allocation is $480 million of which $379 million will come from the Victims of Crime Fund. The STOP allocation will be $215 million which is up from $195 million last year.


Next Call: February 1st@ 11:00 EST