AVA/OVW Conference Call Summary -July 2018


JULY 9TH, 2018

11:00 – 12:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST)


OVW Staff: Program Managers Latonya Eaddy, Kevin Sweeney, and Omar Mohammed, Team Lead Melissa Schmisek

AVA Board Members/Staff: Julia Fuller-Wilson, Jade Palin, Diana Fleming, Merry Wills, Barry Bryant



Welcome and Introductions – Team members from both OVW and AVA announced their presence on the call and greeted one another and the conference call officially started around 11:02 am with Barry asking if OVW could provide updates on the following items:


When will OVW Award Letters for this year’s funding be sent out?

The letters have to be out by September 30 so, at this point it is safe to say that states/territories should be notified by October 1st.



Will there be any special conditions for this year’s funding?

MelissaNo new special conditions for STOP or SASP with one exception.  If your state/territory is eligible to receive Rape Survivor and Child Custody Act (RSCCA) funding and it is your first time receiving these funds, then you will notice one new special condition related to RSCCA.

Can AVA help OVW roll out and new/updated STOP reports, like the Muskie Report?

Melissa Thank you. We are currently in the process of updating these reports. The process involves a lengthy internal review and at this time, we are not sure of their exact release date.

DianaThe most recent Muskie report on your website is dated 4/30/17. Is that the latest?

MelissaYes, that is the latest and when the updated report is released, we will replace this one.


Any VAWA Reauthorization updates?

We have nothing to report about the reauthorization at this time.


Miscellaneous discussion

There is an OVW Administrators webinar on July 18that 5:00pm EST about Confidentiality Compliance.Can you share this information with administrators and invite them to forward any questions they have about compliance issues that we could address during the webinar?

BarryWe will post the webinar/survey information on the AVA website if you can send us the survey and a very brief summary.

Adjourn:  The conference call ended at approximately 11:18am.

Next Call:
The next conference call is tentatively scheduled for October.