Philadelphia Peer-to-Peer Meeting, October 2016


AVA held the second in a series of peer-to-peer meetings in Philadelphia on October 5th. This meeting was attended by 15 administrators and staff from 11 states. We covered quite a lot of information from reporting mandates, implementation planning, working with subgrantee programs and PREA to funding strategies and managing returned monies, among other things. We had some really good conversations and learned valuable lessons from one another on how we accomplish the day-to-day work for meeting the mandates of the STOP program. AVA will be following up with OVW on several questions that arose so keep an eye out for the summaries of those calls. The next Peer-to-Peer meeting will be in late January, location TBA.


Pictured from left to right are: Debbie Rollo (PA); Debbie Tanaka (NV; AVA Secretary), Mark Hertweck (KY); Tama Collins (MT); Dorene Whitworth (AVA ED); Jade Palin (IN); Cara Lofland (KY); MaryEllen Garcia (NM; AVA President); Janelle Melohn (IA); Shirley Davis (IA); Bill Schafer (NY; AVA Vice President).


Pictured from left to right are: Michelle Bynum (MI); Janet Stewart (TN); Daina Moran (TN)

Below are photos taken during the meeting………

Below are photos from the AVA Board meeting which occurred prior to the Peer to Peer Meeting……