AVA Connect Conversation – November 8, 2023; 2:00 EST

Good morning and Happy Monday!

You may have seen that the US Congress avoided a government shutdown in late September when they extended the appropriations deadline to November 17th, 2023.

With that date looming just around the corner, we have decided to move the date of our next AVA Connect Conversation to Wednesday, November 8th at 2:00pm EST.

Given some of the concerns that you may have regarding the potential shutdown, AVA has invited Elizabeth Pyke, Director of Government Affairs at the National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA) to share her insight with you.

I have known Elizabeth for more than 25 years.  She is as knowledgeable as anyone I know about current Congressional conversations/negotiations and is very well trusted and respected on the Hill.

While Elizabeth’s comments will not focus on VAWA specifically, she is comfortable sharing her thoughts about the current November 17th deadline and what she expects to happen.

Let me know if you are interested in attending this AVA Connect Conversation and I will make sure that you receive the Zoom link you will need to participate.

Take care,
